Electric service is restored methodically to maintain safety

Photo showing three bucket trucks. Two bucket trucks have the buckets extended, with one lineworker in each bucket, working to change the pole on a main distribution line.

After a widespread, weather-related disaster, Gibson Electric Membership Corporation line crews work to restore electric service as quickly as possible.

The task requires coordination among all crews and must be done methodically to maintain safety. Electric cooperatives like Gibson Electric follow a basic principle to bring back power: Restore service to the greatest number of people in the shortest time possible.  

“Even though you may see lights come on in homes nearby and see line crews driving by your house, we ask members without power to remain patient after widespread storms,” said Gibson Electric Manager of Operations Daniel Goode. “Please know the crews aren’t ignoring you; they are just working their way down a long list of damages that, with each fix, will restore power to the largest group of consumers.”

The priority of repairs generally follows this order:

  1. Transmission lines. These high voltage lines carry electricity from generating plants to substations (or between substations). Since tens of thousands of people could be served by one transmission line, damage here needs to be taken care of first.
  2. Substations. These electrical facilities contain equipment that switch or regulate the voltage of electricity. They lower the voltage from the transmission lines so the electricity can be transmitted through the distribution lines. Problems here can affect thousands of consumers.
  3. Main distribution lines. You see these along roadways. They carry electricity from the substations to groups of consumers, like towns or housing developments.
  4. Tap lines. These lines run from the main distribution lines to utility poles and underground transformers outside houses or buildings.
  5. Individual service. These lines run from the transformer on the pole along the road or street or underground to the consumer’s electric meter on the side of the home or business.

Gibson Electric members can report outages on the Gibson Co-ops app by clicking “Report Outage” at the top of the home screen or by calling 8-00-977-4076. Members can also view outages on the app or online at gibsoncoops.com.

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