Get Help with Energy Bills

Electric service is restored methodically to maintain safety

After a widespread, weather-related disaster, Gibson Electric Membership Corporation line crews work to restore electric service as quickly as possible.

The task requires coordination among all crews and must be done methodically to maintain safety. Electric cooperatives like Gibson Electric follow a basic principle to bring back power: Restore service to the greatest number of people in the shortest time possible.  

“Even though you may see lights come on in homes nearby and see line crews driving by your house, we ask members without power to remain patient after widespread storms,” said Gibson Electric Manager of Operations Daniel Goode. “Please know the crews aren’t ignoring you; they are just working their way down a long list of damages that, with each fix, will restore power to the largest group of consumers.”

The priority of repairs generally follows this order:

  1. Transmission lines. These high voltage lines carry electricity from generating plants to substations (or between substations). Since tens of thousands of people could be served by one transmission line, damage here needs to be taken care of first.
  2. Substations. These electrical facilities contain equipment that switch or regulate the voltage of electricity. They lower the voltage from the transmission lines so the electricity can be transmitted through the distribution lines. Problems here can affect thousands of consumers.
  3. Main distribution lines. You see these along roadways. They carry electricity from the substations to groups of consumers, like towns or housing developments.
  4. Tap lines. These lines run from the main distribution lines to utility poles and underground transformers outside houses or buildings.
  5. Individual service. These lines run from the transformer on the pole along the road or street or underground to the consumer’s electric meter on the side of the home or business.

Gibson Electric members can report outages on the Gibson Co-ops app by clicking “Report Outage” at the top of the home screen or by calling 8-00-977-4076. Members can also view outages on the app or online at

Electric co-ops learn and share with legislators during day on the hill

NASHVILLE – More than 100 electric cooperative leaders from across the state gathered in Nashville on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19, for the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association’s Legislative Conference. Co-op members and employees joined together at the Doubletree Nashville Downtown to learn more about and discuss the pressing issues impacting the communities they serve.

“In order to successfully serve our communities, it is important to fully understand the impact of proposed legislation and simply what’s to come in the political environment,” says Ryan King, vice president of government affairs for TECA. “It is critical that we monitor the impacts of legislation and regulatory actions in order to remain good stewards of the resources with which we have been entrusted.”

In addition to updates and panel discussions, co-op leaders were able to meet with legislators in the Cordell Hull State Office Building to stress the important role co-ops play in their communities and provide input on issues that matter to their service areas.

“One of the many strengths of electric cooperatives is the commitment to advocate for the communities we serve,” says Dan Rodamaker, President and CEO of Gibson Electric and chairman of the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association Board of Trustees. “I appreciate the co-op leaders who took the time to visit with legislators, ensuring they understand the unique challenges and opportunities facing rural and suburban Tennessee. These conversations are essential to shaping policies that protect reliable, affordable energy and strengthen the communities we power.”

TECA’s day on the hill wrapped up with King along with Chris Jones, CEO of Middle Tennessee Electric, and Mike Partin, CEO of Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, representing co-ops across the state during the House Business and Utilities Subcommittee. All three testified on the health of Tennessee’s electric cooperatives.

See you at annual meeting March 20

Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 20, and our 88th Annual Members’ Meeting.

Gibson Electric Membership Corporation invites you to Lara Kendall Elementary School at 200 N. College Street in Ridgely, Tennessee, for an evening of fun and learning as cooperative employees and members enjoy fellowship and leaders conduct the 2025 business meeting.

New to this year’s schedule is Power Hour. Cooperative representatives will be available between 5 and 6 p.m. to provide one-on-one assistance to members whether it’s technical support with the new app, help understanding your bill or more information about the co-op’s programs and services.

Registration starts at 6 p.m., and members will receive a gift and a ticket to win one of ten $150 bill credits that can be applied to a Gibson Electric or Gibson Connect bill. Members’ children will be eligible to win one of three $75 gift cards.

Entertainment begins at 6:15, with the Grammy-nominated group High Road taking the stage. Gifted pianist and vocalist Sarah Davison leads the group, which includes Rachel Crick on fiddle and harmonies and Kristen Bearfield on guitar and harmonies. High Road combines country, bluegrass, Gospel and contemporary Christian music to create their original sound.

Also at 6:15, employees will serve members with free barbecue sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, dessert and drinks.

Door prizes will be awarded at 6:45 followed by the business meeting at 7. During the business meeting, Gibson Electric leaders will provide an update on the cooperative’s operation, including a financial report. Gibson Electric and Gibson Connect President and CEO Dan Rodamaker will also report on significant activities that have taken place during the past year and plans for the co-op.

The business meeting will conclude at 7:30, and the remaining door prizes will be awarded.

“As a not-for-profit, member-owned and member-controlled cooperative, we enjoy the opportunity to visit with those we serve,” Rodamaker said. “We hope you’ll join us at our annual meeting!”

If you are a member with special needs and you plan to attend this meeting, Gibson Electric asks you to contact your local member service center and ask for ext. 1611, by Monday, March 10, so the cooperative can try to accommodate you.

Update: We’ve added Power Hour to our annual meeting schedule. From 5 to 6 p.m., Gibson Electric and Gibson Connect experts will provide one-on-one support on everything from downloading the new app and accessing the features to understanding your bill and energy use.

Stocking shelves, filling hearts: Inside Reelfoot Rural Ministries’ Christmas Toy Store

Step into the Christmas Toy Store at Reelfoot Rural Ministries in Obion, and you’re likely to hear conversations reminiscent of those heard in any retail store.

“Should I get the alarm clock or the hand warmers? The hand warmers will keep him warm while he waits for the bus, but the alarm clock will get him out of bed to catch the bus.”

After a thoughtful pause, the mother chooses the alarm clock.

For almost 50 years, Reelfoot Rural Ministries (RRM) has made Christmas brighter for tens of thousands of families in northwest Tennessee and southwest Kentucky through its Christmas Toy Store, two rooms stocked with toys, electronics, outdoor equipment and more provided by generous donations. RRM leaders and volunteers sum up the magic of the season in one word:


“I’ve had a good lesson about faith,” said RRM Finance Director Donna Chism. “God has His hands in all this.” Throughout her 19-year tenure at the nonprofit, Chism admits there have been stressful days and sleepless nights wondering how the team would raise the money needed to stock the store.

Every year, it all comes together, with the Christmas Toy Store serving 656 children in 2024.

“That’s a miracle in itself,” said RRM Dental and ReelHOME Coordinator Brandy Rudd. Rudd, who has been with the organization for 12 years, has also benefited from the Christmas Toy Store when her husband unexpectedly gained full custody of his three children.

“I was worried,” Rudd recalled. “My kids thought it was the best Christmas ever.”

Planning for the best Christmas ever is a year-round process. Families submit applications for the Christmas Toy Store in November, paying a small fee of $5 per child. All programs at RRM are income-based except for its thrift shop. Federal guidelines are used to determine household income levels.

The shop is open four days in December. On days the shop is closed, RRM staff hit the stores to restock the shelves.

“We know the numbers,” Chism said. “We’ve got it down to a science.”

Families come at their assigned time and get 30 minutes per child to pick out their presents. Items are categorized by large, medium and small, with families choosing one of each for each child. There are stuffed animals for younger children, colognes for teenagers and art sets, headphones, fishing poles, bicycles and more for all ages.

When the store closes for the season, Chism moves any remaining funds into the next year’s budget. In July, the RRM team will look for deals and begin stocking the shop again.

In addition to donations, the Christmas Toy Store is dependent on volunteers, many of whom return each year.

“Reelfoot Rural Ministries has our heart,” said Kathy Craig. She and her sister Judy Holt have been helping families in the Christmas Toy Shop for six years. “We’re making people happy,” Holt said. “It’s just a blessing.”

Gene and Lyn Saltzman make the trek from Concordia, Kansas to Obion each year, staying on site at RRM from September to mid-February to help with a variety of tasks. During the holidays, Lyn helps families with their applications for the Christmas Toy Store, stocks the merchandise and registers families on shopping days. She is also heavily involved with the food pantry while Gene helps make pick-ups for the pantry and thrift store. The couple has also planted a garden to provide fresh produce for the food pantry.

“It’s fun here,” Gene said. “I like the people and the community.” Lyn added that RRM is “just like a family.”

“You won’t find a better team,” Chism agreed. “We love each other, and we love our community. We’re doing God’s work, and it’s such a blessing to do our part.”

RRM also has the ReelHOME program that helps older adults stay in their homes by making their houses safer, more accessible and more efficient, emergency relocation assistance for families displaced by fire, natural disasters or domestic violence, Backpack Buddies program for Lake County School District students, children’s school supplies, Lake County Imagination Library sponsorship and on-site dental and eye clinics for which leaders are actively looking for a dentist and optometrist to see clients.

For more information about Reelfoot Rural Ministries, visit or call 731-538-9970.

How extreme winter weather impacts electric bills

When outdoor temperatures drop, our electricity use increases. That’s because we’re doing more activities inside, and our heating systems are running longer and more often to counteract colder outdoor temperatures.

Here are a few things you can do to save money during times of extreme winter weather:

  • Select the lowest comfortable thermostat setting and turn it down several degrees whenever possible. Your heating system must run longer to make up the difference between the thermostat temp and the outdoor temp.
    • Pro tip: Seal air leaks around windows and exterior doors with caulk and weatherstripping. Air leaks and drafts force your heating system to work harder than necessary.
  • Stagger your use of major appliances such as dishwashers, ovens and dryers.
    • Pro tip: Start the dishwasher before you go to bed and use smaller countertop appliances like slow cookers and air fryers to save energy.
  • Ensure that your heating system is optimized for efficiency with regular maintenance and proper insulation.
    • Pro tip: Make sure your filter isn’t clogged and dirty. Replace it as needed.
  • When possible, use cold water to reduce water heating costs.
    • Pro tip: Setting your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees can help you save energy and reduce mineral buildup and corrosion in your water heater and pipes.
  • Unplug devices when not in use to eliminate unnecessary energy use. Even when turned off, electronics in standby mode consume energy.
    • Pro tip: Plug devices into a power strip so you can turn them all off at once with the push of a button.

By adopting energy conservation practices during periods of extreme cold, not only can you save money on your electric bills, but you can also contribute to the resilience of the power grid, keeping our local community warm and connected.

Energizing every moment

There is power in a moment.

Sometimes powerful moments are obvious, like the day you got engaged, welcoming your first child into the world or sending them off to college. In business, it may be the ribbon cutting of your new shop or stepping into a new leadership role. Other times, powerful moments can be subtle, like sharing laughter around the dinner table, catching up with old friends or learning to care for others by watching strong leadership in action.

Whether the moments are everyday or extraordinary, Gibson Electric Membership Corporation plays an essential role in energizing the people and places we serve. Reliability is more than just keeping the lights on—it’s about providing the energy that powers today’s priceless moments and tomorrow’s endless opportunities. We energize every moment in ways you may not see, and it is our honor to carry out that mission every day.

Gibson Electric energizes connection.

Whether it’s offering broadband services that connect you to the world, creating opportunities to gather with others at our annual meeting or greeting you with a friendly face who knows you by name—we work hard to connect with our members.

Gibson Electric energizes opportunity.

When jobs are created, communities thrive. We provide reliable infrastructure and broadband access, attracting industries from across the globe. We help recruit and retain jobs. Our collaboration with local government means healthier communities, more jobs and brighter futures.

Gibson Electric energizes unity.

When disaster strikes from severe weather, we’re ready to assist our sister co-ops. We also unite over more than natural disasters though. We advocate for policies that benefit rural communities. Whatever the challenge, Tennessee co-ops come together for the betterment of their members.

Gibson Electric energizes compassion.

Energizing compassion means lending a hand to those in need. This past year, our co-op served our local community by providing grant funding to non-profit organizations. When there’s a need, we step up to the plate.

Gibson Electric energizes life lessons.

Sometimes the best lessons happen outside of the classroom. Whether it’s a student visiting the nation’s capital with Washington Youth Tour, learning how to inspire others through Youth Leadership Summit or engaging with other students in yearly 4-H camp programs, we are committed to training our next generation of leaders.

We’re here for you. For every good memory in your life and in our community, all of us at Gibson Electric Membership Corporation are working behind the scenes energizing every moment.

Gibson Connect celebrates broadband milestone

Gibson Connect, a wholly owned, not-for-profit subsidiary of Gibson Electric Membership Corporation, closed 2024 with a milestone, connecting its 20,000th subscriber to high-speed fiber internet.

Bailee Mayfield of the Crockett Mills community near Alamo was the lucky subscriber and received a gift basket valued at over $250 that included a $100 Gibson Connect bill credit, Bluetooth speaker, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Onn tablet and Gibson-branded goodies.

Mayfield said she chose Gibson Connect after hearing good reviews from others using the service in her rural area. She depends on the internet to make phone calls since cell service is poor near her home. Her previous wireless service also did not provide the speed she needed for streaming.

“I can’t really do anything at my house without Wi-Fi, and I’m a big streamer,” she said. “The service in my area just wasn’t that good.”

Mayfield called to set up installation before Christmas and was surprised to see Gibson Connect fiber installation techs at her home to locate and mark underground utilities on Christmas Eve.

“It was a really smooth process to get everything started,” she said. “Once they came and marked, they were out there really quickly and were able to get me installed really quick and get me up and going super quick too. That was really pleasant, to not have to wait months to get something done.”

Charles Phillips, Gibson Electric vice president of technical services, and Teresa Burkett, Gibson Connect manager of outside plant, presented Mayfield with the gift basket and balloons at Tennessee Tractor LLC in Brownsville, where she was working on New Year’s Eve. Tennessee Tractor is a longtime Gibson Connect subscriber.

Phillips noted that Gibson Connect officially launched after then-governor Bill Haslam signed the Tennessee Broadband Accessibility Act. The legislation allowed private, not-for-profit, member-owned and member-controlled electric cooperatives to provide high-speed internet service to their members.

“Limited broadband access was hurting our rural communities, and our electric cooperatives across the state were poised to provide this vital service to our members at an affordable price with speeds and reliability matching if not surpassing internet service in larger, urban settings,” said Gibson Electric and Gibson Connect President and CEO Dan Rodamaker. “Since 2017, we have been committed to bridging the digital divide for our members and communities.”

Gibson Electric formed Gibson Connect in June of 2017, and fiber buildout to members began in April 2018. Gibson Connect routinely earns high marks with subscribers. The current Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures customer satisfaction, loyalty and enthusiasm, is +90 on a scale of -100 to +100.

“We’re really proud of those numbers and our expert staff,” Phillips said. “From our installation technicians to our technical support representatives, our team works hard to ensure our members get the service and support they need. We’re also thankful to our members who continue to tell their friends and family about the world-class service Gibson Connect provides. We could not have reached this milestone without their support.”

Gibson Electric is a local, not-for-profit, member-owned and member-controlled electric cooperative serving almost 40,000 homes and businesses in eight west Tennessee counties (Crockett, Dyer, Gibson, Haywood, Lake, Madison, Obion and Weakley) and four west Kentucky counties (Carlisle, Fulton, Graves and Hickman). Gibson Connect provides high-speed, fiber-based broadband service access to the cooperative’s eligible members. For more information about Gibson Electric and Gibson Connect, visit

Employees donate to food banks

Since 2009, Gibson Electric Membership Corporation employees have donated more than 10,000 pounds of food to local food banks through the annual Dan’s Cans Food Drive in December. In 2024, employees added 800 pounds to the impressive 15-year total.

Donations from each member service center went to nonprofits serving those areas:

Alamo – Crockett Cares

Clinton – Mission House

Tiptonville and Troy – Reelfoot Rural Ministries

Trenton – Dyer Cumberland Presbyterian Church

“What a Christmas blessing,” said Sandy Moss of Dyer Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The church sponsors a backpack feeding program for Dyer Elementary School students living in food insecure homes, providing them with meals and snacks for the weekends. “These donations are an answer to prayer.”

Other organizations also requested kid-friendly items in addition to canned foods. Employees responded with mac and cheese, ramen noodles, toaster pastries, juice boxes, peanut butter, cereal, fruit cups, apple sauce, ravioli and more.

“Cooperatives around the world operate according to the same core principles and values, the seventh being Concern for Community,” said Gibson Electric and Gibson Connect President and CEO Dan Rodamaker. “I’m touched by our employees’ concern for their communities. While they demonstrate this concern throughout the year, it is especially meaningful during the holidays. I am truly grateful to work with such a dedicated, caring group of people.”

Important update: Gibson Co-ops app

Our new app – Gibson Co-ops – and online member portal ( launched Dec. 9, 2024, and we want to remind you about actions you may need to take to ensure your electric and/or broadband service continue without interruption.

Moving our electric and broadband accounts to one platform enables you to manage both your Gibson Electric account and your Gibson Connect account using the same convenient app — Gibson Co-ops and the member portal. It also enables us to provide a more integrated and smoother customer service experience.

While transitions can be challenging, we are confident that the benefits of our new software platform will outweigh any temporary inconveniences. Our team is dedicated to making this change as easy on you as possible, and we appreciate your patience during this process.

Gibson Co-ops app

All Gibson Electric members and Gibson Connect subscribers need to download the new Gibson Co-ops app as soon as possible. Your Gibson Electric and Gibson Connect account information are available through this app.

Initially Gibson Connect subscribers will still be able to access their account information and make payments through the existing Gibson Connect SmartHub app, but the existing app will be turned off, so we encourage everyone to download and begin using the new Gibson Co-ops app now.

Billing and payments

We will continue to mail printed Gibson Electric bills to members unless you choose to go paperless. We encourage you to activate the paperless billing option in the Gibson Co-ops app. Doing this will enable you to receive your bill quicker and help protect our environment.

If you were enrolled in paperless billing with Gibson Electric prior to the conversion on Dec. 9, 2024, your first bill after Dec. 3, 2024, will be printed and mailed to your service address. You will continue to be emailed regarding your bill, but you will need to download the Gibson Co-ops app as soon as possible to view your detailed account information. Gibson Connect bills will remain paperless.

Both our Gibson Electric and Gibson Connect bills have a new look. We’ve tried to make the bills cleaner and easier to read while including all of the details you need. Please visit and click “How to Read Your Electric Bill” under Gibson Electric Payment Options to view our new bill format.

“Draft” replaced “Auto Pay”

For our members who were enrolled in Credit Card Draft or Auto Pay prior to our software conversation on Dec. 9, 2024, you must re-enter your payment information through the Gibson Co-ops app or online (

We initially communicated that bank draft information would transfer to our new system, but unfortunately, we have learned that is not the case. For our members who were enrolled in Bank Draft prior to our software conversion on Dec. 9, 2024, you must re-enter your bank account information through the new Gibson Co-ops app or online ( Exception: If you enrolled in bank draft by bringing a voided check to your member service center for a Gibson Electric member service representative to enter, your information transferred to our new system.

“Prepaid” replaced “PayGo”

Members who were on PayGo billing prior to our software conversion on Dec. 9, 2024, will find their account information in the Gibson Co-ops app under “Prepaid.” For our members who have used Auto Pay in PayGo, our new platform does not offer this functionality. Your bank account or credit card will no longer be drafted once it meets a threshold you’ve set. You can, however, set up alerts in the Gibson Co-ops app to notify you when your account balance falls below a dollar amount you set.

Alerts and notifications

Please take a moment to set up your account profile, including your preferences for alerts and notifications. Doing so will help you easily manage your account and help us keep you informed.

Energy use monitoring, Outage Map and Outage Reporting features

The Gibson Co-ops app has an electric use tool, an Outage Map and Outage Reporting features. The electric usage tool enables you to keep track of your energy use and make timely adjustments to save energy dollars. The electric Outage Map provides up-to-date information on where we are experiencing electric outages. You can also easily and quickly report an outage through the app.

We’re here for you if you have a question or concern. Call 731-855-4660 or visit your local Gibson Electric member service center for assistance.

Get Help with Energy Bills

With winter months approaching, Gibson Electric Membership Corporation wants to remind our member-owners of federal funding available to help pay for heating your home.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can help you pay your heating or cooling bills or get emergency services during an energy crisis. You may be eligible for help with your energy bills based on your income.

In Tennessee, LIHEAP is administered through a network of 19 local agencies that reach all 95 counties. LIHEAP is a one-time assistance offered to help defray heating and cooling expenses, as long as funding is available.

The online application and eligibility requirements are available at

Gibson Electric member-owners in Crockett, Dyer, Lake, Obion and Weakley counties should contact the Northwest Tennessee Economic Development Council at 731-364-3228, and member-owners in Haywood and Madison counties should contact the Southwest HRA at 731-989-5111 for more information and assistance with applications.

In Kentucky, LIHEAP is administered by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which contracts with Community Action Agencies across the state to receive LIHEAP applications and provide recipient benefits. Qualified applicants are encouraged to contact their local agency outreach office for specific application instructions. West Kentucky Allied Services, Inc. serves Gibson Electric member-owners in Carlilse, Fulton, Graves and Hickman counties. Contact 270-247-4046 or find your local office at

If you don’t qualify for low-income assistance, but need additional time to pay your bill, you can set up your own payment arrangement through our app or online portal. If you need assistance with a payment arrangement, please call your local member service center:

  • Alamo – 731-696-5961
  • Clinton – 270-653-2425
  • Tiptonville – 731-253-7181
  • Trenton – 731-855-4660
  • Troy – 731-536-5920
